Often, when recruiting a candidate, a business may decide to undertake more than one interview. This is especially prevalent with senior roles where a business will rightly take their time and operate a robust process to ensure they select the most appropriate candidate.
It is likely at the point of applying for a role that you are already in a full-time position, and the process of juggling time off to attend interviews can become problematic.
Following a first interview, you may decide, for whatever reason, the role is not for you. Perhaps you didn’t connect with the recruiting manager; maybe you couldn’t see the progression opportunities or you simply didn’t like the vibe of the company culture.
If this is the case, then be honest. Explain to either a recruitment company, if you are dealing with one, or the business directly that this role is not for you, politely thanking them for the opportunity and generally leaving the intervention on good terms.
We have dealt with clients who clearly didn’t like what they saw at the first interview and have offered all manner of excuses in order not to attend a second interview, wasting everyone’s time in the process. We have even had situations where clients have seemingly gone out of their way to avoid taking our calls rather than being honest about the role they have applied for.
Conversely, if you genuinely cannot attend an interview and need to rearrange, then a business will generally accommodate this, especially for a second interview where you will likely be seen as a strong contender for the role.
To summarise, be open and honest with people and communicate your feelings, as all parties will respect your decision and appreciate your candour. Most importantly, don’t waste people’s valuable time as this will do little to enhance your reputation.