Get in touch: 0116 216 6355

Our Values

We tasked ourselves with identifying the most important of these and believe we have achieved this with the seven values below. These occupy a prominent place in our office, providing a constant reminder of our ethos, our standards and the reason we continue to grow.


Honesty is our cornerstone. If a client feeds back that a candidate gave a bad interview then we tell the candidate. If a candidate is underqualified for a role they are interested in then we advise them not to waste their time, and if we get something wrong, because we’re not perfect and would never claim to be, then we hold our hands up and make it right.


If there’s one thing that differentiates a customer from a client and us from other recruitment agencies, it’s loyalty. We believe loyalty is paramount to any successful business relationship. We never take for granted our existing clients or candidates and ensure that the great service you received on day one continues throughout your journey with us.


You can trust us implicitly. There will be no hidden agenda, just bold, decisive, upfront actions reflecting your best interests. Why did we receive 10 CVs for that job you were seeking to fill but you only received three of them? Because the other seven candidates were not of the calibre that we know you deserve – and trust us, we were right!


Recruiting staff is a pain in the neck. It’s time-consuming and expensive and businesses are often ill-equipped to undertake the process. Let us take the strain so you can concentrate on doing what you’re good at whilst we solve your recruitment problem. It’s that simple. We pride ourselves on being easy to do business with. We are accessible, flexible, dynamic and operate streamlined processes.


My aim was always to operate a business with a big personality. Personality, for me, means having a character; being friendly, approachable and energetic. Personality is the foundation of my own recruitment strategy. It’s a ‘must have’ requirement if you are going to work with us at Synergy


Energy, enthusiasm, positivity and motivation – in my book, they all converge to arrive at Passion. The best feedback I have ever received is from a visiting client who told us, ‘I could feel the passion in your office as soon as I arrived’. My team love what they do, they relish supporting clients and candidates and achieving fantastic outcomes. Of course, this takes skill, strategy and good business-sense, but it also takes a huge serving of passion.


After you’ve spoken to one of my team, you can have total confidence that we are committed to helping you. We will explore all avenues using our vast network of industry contacts and will work tirelessly until your recruitment issue has been resolved. We once placed a client in a role and drove him there on day one before he took delivery of his company car and that’s because we’re a business that will literally go the extra mile for our clients and candidates.