If you are applying for a good job with a solid, structured induction programme, great progression opportunities and an even better salary package, then it follows that you can expect a rigorous interview as the client will ensure they select the very best candidate for the role.
Failure to adequately prepare for such an interview will inevitably lead to failure to secure the role. Below we have shared some ‘need to know’ insights based on in-depth company research, which will give you the best possible chance of success.
Non-verbal communication
We are all aware of the power of non-verbal communication in terms of how it influences perceptions of us. During a job interview, in a very controlled environment, the influence this has will be amplified, as the interviewer’s purpose is to judge and decide if you are the ideal candidate.
Here is a list of common mistakes made at interviews:
21% – Playing with hair or touching face
67% – Failure to make eye contact
38% – Lack of a smile
33% – Bad posture
21% – Crossing arms over chest
9% – Too many hand gestures
26% – A handshake that is too weak
33% – Fidgeting too much
The initial impact we have on meeting people is enormous. In a survey of 2000 employers, a third claimed they had decided within the first 90 seconds whether or not to hire the candidate. How can you influence this to your advantage? Here are some useful tips:
Statistics show that when meeting people, the impact is:
7% – From what we actually say
38% – The quality of our voice and overall confidence
55% – The way we dress, act and walk through the door
70% of employers claim they don’t want employees to be fashionable or trendy, whilst 65% of bosses said clothes could be the deciding factor between two similar candidates.
Our conclusion and recommendation is for you to work on your meet-and-greet techniques. Seek the balance between being confident and professional. Don’t take risks in terms of the clothes you wear – a job interview is generally not a place to make a fashion statement. Wearing an inappropriate outfit is a really senseless reason for not being selected for a job.
Why didn’t I get the job?
If you get the dreaded notification that you were not successful at the interview stage, then one or more of the reasons on the list below could have been the cause:
- A long-winded explanation of why you lost your last job/want to leave your current job
- Giving a clear indication that you are not committed to the role you are being interviewed for because you still have ties with your current role
- Lacking humour, warmth or personality
- Not showing enough interest or enthusiasm
- Inadequate research about a potential employer
- Concentrating too much on what you want
- Trying to be all things to all people
- A clear lack of preparation for the interview
- Failing to set yourself apart from other candidates
- Failing to convince the employer that you are the right person for the job
It is essential before you arrive at the interview that you are 100% clear on what you can bring to the client’s business, how you can make a difference and why you are the only person for this role. This will require preparation in terms of planning what you are going to say and then a lot of practice in relation to how you are going to deliver these key messages at the interview itself.